Post-Holiday Inventory
The new year gives me an incentive to take inventory of “stuff” & make the decision to eliminate things I’m not using. I know that taking care of the physical stuff also frees up my mental clutter. I’m not a…
Figuring it Out as You Go Along
I don’t think I had a plan throughout my life. I took each day as it came, finding a purpose & continuing to move forward. That doesn’t mean I was aimlessly wandering; it means I accepted each detour along the…
I enjoy finding a piece of art at a thrift shop or a yard sale & bringing it back to life. Overpainting is a term for adding a final layer of paint or as the word implies “painting over”.I found…
Age is Just a Number
I believe we can start new things at any age, achieve, accomplish, & be productive. Yes, health can be a barrier, but if you’re in good health, what stops you from reaching your goals, writing that best seller, going for…
How Do You Leave Your Mark?
Animals have an instinctive nature for knowing who their friends are and they can easily recognize predators or other animals that could become a territorial threat. As humans, we may say we have a “gut feeling” about someone, but for…
The Power of Thoughts
In 1952 Dr. Norman Vincent Peale published The Power of Positive Thinking: A Practical Guide to Mastering the Problems of Everyday Living. Dr. Peale stated that positive thoughts could change one’s outlook & create a peaceful mind to live a…