It’s not easy to describe me. I’m a multi-faceted septuagenarian with a lifelong archive of stories, loves, adventures, and experiences. Family is, and always will be, the driver of everything I do and why I do them. It motivates me to keep working and be the best Spouse, Mom, Mimi, and Mother in Law that I can be. I’m like a book of stories, each one different but never-ending, as I am still creating and adding to my life’s stories daily.

  • Holidays

    Closing Out 2022!

    Another end of year in Dahlonega, Georgia. The square goes all out with twinkling lights & carriage rides & you can find any pleasure to suit your palette or gift giving. I have my favorite stores but really they’re all…

  • Holidays

    New Year’s Eve Dinner

    I enjoy having family or friends over & it doesn’t take a lot to make a lovely table scape. A simple meal can take on a different look when served with your better pieces. I’m in between Christmas & New…

  • Holidays

    Merry Heavenly Christmas

    I believe that we are provided messages from our loved ones no longer with us if there existed a loving relationship. My mother enjoyed Christmas and all the baking, decorating and gift wrapping that went with it. A doll would…

  • Creativity

    12th Day of CRAFTmas

    Don’t forget to decorate your special pets or stuffed animals. The teddy bear was given to me by my Mom who passed away in 1997. Teddy Joanna stays out in my house and gets new outfits during the changing seasons.…