In 1999, I was gifted a book that started me on my adventure of writing things down. Then, I didn’t know about the word “Journaling”. Writing was a way to capture my thoughts and document things I wanted to remember…
Mom – January 20, 2024
Ms. Betty Jean Woods has been my Mother-in-Law for 15 years. I wish I had lived closer to talk with her more and hear about her life because each of us has an interesting story to tell. I do know…
2024 Valentine Day Crafts
Last year I posted on how simple and easy it is to make Valentine crafts. This year, I’m making valentines again and sharing the different mediums I use, all bits and pieces of crafting materials left over from other projects.…
My Jacksonville Neighborhood
I live in one of only two historic areas in Jacksonville. Springfield is one, and Riverside is the other. I am in Riverside, an eclectic blend of different architectural styles, single homes, apartments, duplexes, and businesses. I can walk to…
Looking Back on 2023
This is my 73rd opportunity to move forward into a new year. I am grateful to be able to have another chance to be a better person, accomplish some more goals, and make a difference for someone other than myself.…
Christmas in Dahlonega 2023
If you’ve never experienced Christmas in Dahlonega, it is well worth a trip to feel the magic of Christmas. The square transforms into a fairyland of lights with carriage tours and beautiful window displays. Dahlonega has served as a backdrop…