Achievement List
My list likely differs from what everyone else would choose to put on theirs. The things on my list only require my mental investment to get them done. I write down what I want to achieve & I put the…
For Frosty – April 18, 2023
There are many versions of Rainbow Bridge, and the origin is unclear. This is my favorite. By the edge of a wood, at the foot of a hill, is a lush green meadow where time stands still. Where the friends…
Art Therapy
When we hear the word “therapy,” we instinctively think of a patient/doctor relationship & a formal program designed to work thru issues based on some form of creativity. Art therapy could be music, dancing, or painting, but primarily used as…
County Fair
Have you ever experienced a smell that takes you back to a time you will never forget? That happened to me on Saturday. Two of my work colleagues talked me into going to a county fair. The minute we got…
Deviled Egg Plates
I have a collection of egg plates. I don’t know exactly when I acquired my first one, but I likely have 5 or 6 different ones, and I am always tempted to buy another one when I see them at…
Marinated Carrots
I have a collection of recipes from friends & family that go back many years. I love the handwritten ones because it is a way to connect & enjoy memories about the person thru their writing. I also document the…