Life is Like a Camera
Many times, I didn’t get what I “thought” I wanted. When this happened, it would set me back; I would start to question my self-worth, & compare my contributions to others. I would self analyze & try to determine where I went wrong. My thoughts became my own worst enemy.
This is because everything in life is viewed as a win/lose situation. If your lottery ticket doesn’t pay off, you lose. If you don’t get the promotion or raise, you lose. Faster cars pass you on the road – I win the race, you lose! And this goes on and on every day. Sometimes it’s out in the open, other times, it is low-key, but the results are the same.
This is normal, but it is not healthy. The word loser doesn’t sound good & it cuts deep into our psyche & causes us to feel less than who we are.
I have a passion for psychology & I love to read about what makes us tick. I believe if we can understand the “why” of our feelings & emotions, we can begin to understand & have a tolerance for the behavior of others. We may disagree with certain behaviors, but we’ll understand the why.
If you love where you are in your life right now, then all those “nos” you had in your past were there for a reason. That was to put you on the path to where you are today.
I saw this saying & it is a reminder that our life is like looking thru a camera lens. We want the perfect picture, the perfect smile, & a little “airbrush” here & there to smooth out the rough spots. We don’t want any no’s; we want everything to be perfect 10s.
But the best pictures capture the moment when we’re looking & being human. That means our best lives are lived with the ups that give us the enthusiasm & passion for continuing forward but with the downs to fortify our strength & give us the courage to understand the why. That is the reality.
So when life doesn’t give you the picture you want, remember:
Life is like a camera
Focus on what matters the most
Capture what makes you happy
Develop from the negatives
And if things don’t work out
Always take another shot!
Great perspective!
Thank you for reading & commenting. It’s a constant struggle every day not to get caught up in the choices & emotions of others. I practice a calm attitude & peaceful mind which helps to quell that inner voice. We all have our special talents & gifts.